Inspiration for this came from a book we found in the library while looking for something else. It was just so awesome we got distracted from the task at hand and checked out this book, along with a cook book, and two animated Lord of the Rings movies... you know, like you do. I don't actually remember what we were looking for in the first place but apparently it wasn't life or death since I am still here to relay this activity back to you.

1. Exacerbate is to escalate as ascend is to
a. fall
b. mount
c. depress
d. accumulate
2. Have you had paranormal experiences?
I can't really see how this is going to show if we are compatible or not.
One test did turn into an activity though. It was called "What Does Your Signature Reveal?" and it gave a list of all the different ways to form your letters and what they mean and if you capitalize things and how it slants and stuff like that. We decided to write each other notes and analyze our handwriting that way.
You Will Need:
A Partner
Friends (make it more fun)
How To:
1. Everyone take a pen and paper and write a note to your significant other. Make it entertaining, serious, stupid, whatever.
2. Give the note to your significant other
3. Read aloud. (Much more fun)
4. Analyze the handwriting to see what it says about the person you are dating
5. Break up with the person when you find that their handwriting says something bad about them.
Here are our notes:
![]() |
On display on the fridge |
My note to Garret: Garret's note to me:
Dear BooBear, Dear Christine,
You are so pretty, I hate your stinking guts,
And I think you're witty. you make me vomit.
For others I have pity, You are scum between
Because their love is not giddy. my toes.
Like ours. Love,
Love, Garret
Emily's note to Justin: Justin's note to Emily:
Dear Justin, Dear Emily,
You are really silly. Maybe I like turtles. Do you
even like a turkey tree. wanna go out
Thanks for watching a sometime?
chick flick with me. Love,
Weeeeeeeee. that sounds gross)
Love, Clever Bear
Emily Justin
Gary's note to Jessica: Jessica's note to Gary:
Dear Jessica, Babesause,
Did you know Sally sold One day I will make you
seashells by the sea shore? mine... hehehe
Me neither!!!! Will you please be my
Seriously, date for the senior prom?
Gary P. Schmidt Jr. It will be really great for
us to get to know
each other before I take
you up in my space ship.
Meow Meow,
After reading this book and analyzing each persons hand writing, it is my professional opinion that we are perfect for our partners. Mainly by the amount of fun had during the process of figuring it out. I hope you discover the same thing!
Enjoy yourself!
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